
Tuesday 25 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again... (Mark)

If i had last year to live over again, i would spend more time to earn the money. Last year i spent times unusefully. At that time i didn't study English and only exercise at fitness center. So many times i loaf at home and my mother got angry to me and i was ashamed of myself. Finally if i had last year to live over again, i will make an effort to get a part-time job or to study more English and Economics.

Monday 24 May 2010

If i live 2009 over again...

The 2009 was a harsh year to me. There is some good memories but mostly it was hard to bear.
Start of 2009 was great. I helped my singer friend in Mongolia by writing him some lyrics which he succeeded in his career thanks to me :P kk I thought i had it all.. Untill one sunny day. I was in CNU Architechture Engineer. But I can't manage to follow the all class it was too hard for me. And I didn't had any time for part time job. So my money was as its peak. Somehow I was lucky to have friends to help me out in that situation. But my bad luck didn't ended there. It struck me again where its most hurt.. My heart.. I broke up with my girlfriend. I don't wanna talk about the reason. By summer I was broke and lonely. Almost like a hobo who goes to university. In Fall i didn't went to school. I just worked to get some money. And prepared for the exam to re-enroll to CNU. But in different Major. And luckily i got accepted "again". And in December I entered the Foreigners Korean song contest. Guess who won the contest?? kkk
Well in conclusion if i ever have to live 2009 over again I wouldn't enroll in Architechture Engineer which was my worst choise of my life. Only if I had chosen the major I had now everything could be different. I can be more succesful. And not lonely :(
Well life is hard and I have a long way to go. It's just a little obstacle. I'm a man enough to take on the whole life ahead me. Anyway I wish you guys good luck. You're gonna need it ^^
Have a CoolZ DayZ ^^

Mongolian traditional barbeque called "Horhog"

Horhog is a traditional Mongolian meat dish, which is very popular in campi
ng and outdoor activities. It is not a dish for two. It should be made at least for 5 people. Horhog cooking is a lot of fun. It entails the spirit of togetherness and sets the beginnings of friendship. The cooking process is simple at first glance, however, it requires practice and intuition. Meat cut in large chunks is cooked with hot stones in a tightly closed aluminum can until it forms a hearty stew. When the cooking is done, the stones are taken out first and given to all horhog eaters. While still hot and greasy, stones should be rolled between palms or held with fingers. Rolling or holding stones with hands is supposed to be good for health because Mongolians believe that the heat and grease from just cooked meat eliminates fatigue and boosts stamina.

Ingredients (10 servings):
1 half medium sheep
Potatoes (optional)
Carrots (optional)
Yellow turnips (optional)
Bell pepper (optional)
Garlic sprouts (optional)

Pepper (optional)
Onion (optional)
Garlic (optional)
Spices (optional)

Cooking gear:
20-liter aluminum can
20-25 medium-sized smooth stones (10 sm x 10 sm)

Cooking time:
Approximately 2.5 hours

First heat stones on firewood on open fire. It is important to select the right stones, as not all stones are good for cooking horhog. Stones must be river stones that are smoothly shaped and medium sized. Stones must be thoroughly heated until almost red. If heated correctly, stones usually do not retain any smoke and have a clean surface.
While stones are heated, prepare meat for cooking. Cut meat in large pieces with bones. If you are cooking a more western-oriented horhog, prepare also vegetables. Wash and peel potatoes, carrots, turnips and onions. Some people add also garlic sprouts.
Pour 4 liters of water (cold or warm) in a 20-liter aluminum can. The amount of water depends on how much bouillon you would like to have in your horhog.
Put seasonings in water. Then start putting meat layering it with hot stones. If you are cooking together vegetables, put them always on top.
Close can tightly and leave the meat to cook for an hour and a half. The meat is supposed to cook on its own purely by the heat of hot stones. However, it sometimes needs additional heating, which you can provide by putting the can on slow open fire. Extra heating may be required due to several reasons. The meat may not be properly layered with hot stones or the number of stones may not be enough for the amount of meat being cooked.
When the cooking is done, carefully open the can and let the vapors out. First, pull out the stones and pile them aside. Meat and bouillon are usually served separately.

My lil ol gripe.. ^^

Sorry about the VERY LATE posting.. wish i had an excuse.. well here goes my lil gripe..

Well when i was a teenager my gripe was allowance. I had no allowance back then.
I live with my mother. She's always at work and i do the all choirs at home. Cleaning, doing the dishes,cooking,shopping for grocery etc.. But i'm not going to complain about that. I managed a life without allowance. I learned the way of wise shopping. Buying the most cheapest and good stuff, how to close a bargain.. Now it's very useful. When i was a teenager my mom left me some money to shop for grocery. And I manage to "make" something out of that. And well i done a lot of part time job as a clerk and guide tour and salesman and on and on. It was hard back then.
But I thank my mother for not giving me allowance. Just imagine if I had allowance back then i couldn't managed on my own when I grop up...
All and all it was a good experience ^^

Friday 21 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again, (Seny)

If I had last year to live over again, I would live with doing something that I want. Actually, I did everything that I want, but sometimes I had to compromise with the environments. Especially, I lived in Australia last year, and also It was first time to stay in the foreign country, so I had to compromise with the environments as much as I can. For example, I had to earn money and I had to go to school and trip. That's why I had to do something that I really don't want to do.

I think ont only me but also the other pepole also have a this kind of problems. It's very hard to make a balance between something that we want and something that we don't want, but sometimes, to live a satisfied life, we need to compromise with the environments.

That's ironic, :(

but sometimes it's a necessary condition for happiness. :)

Tuesday 18 May 2010

If I had blabla.......- Lee -

If I had last year to live over again, I would spend more time to travel Europe. At the moment it is quite difficult to travel cause it's too far away from here. But last year I had been living in London so I had lots of chance to do that. Even though I had some extra money to do that, but I spend the money to buy clothes in big sale season(in Europe there are two big sale seasons in a year). And also I'd spend a lot of money to go to the pub! Actually I didn't regret cause I could make friend in that place. But I wish I went there less than I did in real. I always desire to go back to there. It was very fresh experiment and funny culture shock XD.

If I can go back to last year...

If I had last year to live over again
I would spend less time listening to music.
Last year I was third grade of high school; third grade of high school is very important time to Korean.
And that time there were really lot of things that I have to study. So I got lot of stress when I study. And I tried to reduce my stress. Listening to music is the only way that I can take. So I always listened to music when I study especially math. Even though I knew that listening to music while studying is not good , I just couldn’t stop doing that. So I kept listening to music.
Now I regret that I spent too much time to listening music. It bothered me not to concentrate study. So I would spend less time listening music If I go back to last year.

Monday 17 May 2010

What would I do if I lived over again?

If I had last year to live over again, I would definitely travel more countries. Actually I would a lot of experience in Europe because I had stayed in England until February 2010. So I have been several countries. But it’s not enough to me. And I want to go more places such as Holland, North Europe and North Africa. However at that time, I didn't have enough money to go such a fabulous scenes, but I'd probably find part time job or make money in the U.K. Then I’d not waste money to go to the pub.
Actually It was not waste cause I met a lot of my foreigner friends in the pub. It just spent. Anyway I probably go back Europe and go to another places. I wish, I hope, I'm eager.... and I miss...

Friday 14 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again

If I had last year to live over again, I would be bold enough to try things that aren't my major but I really like. Last year, I was taking off from school and had a lot of free time even though I had a part time job. At that time, I thought I was too busy and tired to try other things such as travelling or learning music or art. However, I realized that it was a much better time than now; I'm at school and have much less free time than last year. Moreover, I might be getting busier and busier in the future. I'm a little regreful about it. I could've had great experiences. If it could be last year over again, I would try what I could enjoy.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Something I would take more seriously if I had last year to live over again - Hyunsook

My last year was highschool senior year- the deadly third grade.

I was busy studying for Korean SAT so-called SUNEUNG. It was a time when my hopes dashed and a lot of myself was in ruin. Many people might regret about their lack of studies during their highschool years and try to amend it if they only got the chance. In my case - No. I have poured my entire passion, endeavor and almost everything inside myself that can be used for studying.

But I do regret something, and that was my lack of interest in health. When you possess something, you normally take it for granted and don't know its importance. Only then you know as you lost it and painfully realize its value.

My last year was in anguish both mentally and physically. However both parts are connected. When you are extremely stressed up you will get sick eventually. And that happened to me. It was painful to acknowledge the fact that I couldn't study for about a month - that I was extremely sick, and my unsatisfactory grades which never showed any improvement. I was sad and angry, disapointed but moreover felt that life was unfair.Yep like I had never heard that word before huh? I didn't want to admit the reality.Didn't want to face the reality. It destroyed me inside out.

Of course nearly everyone is going to get sick in that condition. But will you call me weak? well you cannot. Will you call me brave? no I was a coward. Yes I'm neither. I'm not proud of how I was but I do not regret anything because I worked very hard. That's why I love the bird phoenix. It rises from mere ashes when it dies and cures any scars.

Well... I said many useless and needless words. All those nasty dark past that I don't even want to think about. In short I regret one thing which is not studying... well probably working too hard was the problem. We should work hard to the extent it won't harm our body and our mind. It is difficult to gauge how much or how deep it has to be. But you will know, yes you will know.

Monday 10 May 2010

A Funny Website

Check this website out. It's someones blog about living in Korea as a foreigner. It's comical. If you go to the second web page you can view the whole blog. Enjoy

Thursday 6 May 2010

A One Act: A little short

Twenty Dollars from Mike H on Vimeo.

Another One: Watch for the Dance

Exercise from Mike H on Vimeo.

A One Act: Watch This

Please watch. This was pretty good. I expect something like this. Don't feel bad to make your group's skit better!!! Enjoy!!

A One Act from Mike H on Vimeo.