
Monday 24 May 2010

If i live 2009 over again...

The 2009 was a harsh year to me. There is some good memories but mostly it was hard to bear.
Start of 2009 was great. I helped my singer friend in Mongolia by writing him some lyrics which he succeeded in his career thanks to me :P kk I thought i had it all.. Untill one sunny day. I was in CNU Architechture Engineer. But I can't manage to follow the all class it was too hard for me. And I didn't had any time for part time job. So my money was as its peak. Somehow I was lucky to have friends to help me out in that situation. But my bad luck didn't ended there. It struck me again where its most hurt.. My heart.. I broke up with my girlfriend. I don't wanna talk about the reason. By summer I was broke and lonely. Almost like a hobo who goes to university. In Fall i didn't went to school. I just worked to get some money. And prepared for the exam to re-enroll to CNU. But in different Major. And luckily i got accepted "again". And in December I entered the Foreigners Korean song contest. Guess who won the contest?? kkk
Well in conclusion if i ever have to live 2009 over again I wouldn't enroll in Architechture Engineer which was my worst choise of my life. Only if I had chosen the major I had now everything could be different. I can be more succesful. And not lonely :(
Well life is hard and I have a long way to go. It's just a little obstacle. I'm a man enough to take on the whole life ahead me. Anyway I wish you guys good luck. You're gonna need it ^^
Have a CoolZ DayZ ^^

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