
Friday 21 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again, (Seny)

If I had last year to live over again, I would live with doing something that I want. Actually, I did everything that I want, but sometimes I had to compromise with the environments. Especially, I lived in Australia last year, and also It was first time to stay in the foreign country, so I had to compromise with the environments as much as I can. For example, I had to earn money and I had to go to school and trip. That's why I had to do something that I really don't want to do.

I think ont only me but also the other pepole also have a this kind of problems. It's very hard to make a balance between something that we want and something that we don't want, but sometimes, to live a satisfied life, we need to compromise with the environments.

That's ironic, :(

but sometimes it's a necessary condition for happiness. :)

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