
Tuesday 6 April 2010

Gripes - Hyunsook

"Have you read that book I've recommended?"

"I will... sooner or later dad." I said defiantly, irritated by his demanding tone. Truthfully, it was nearly a month since I've put off reading that book, but my dad was evermore persistent. Whenever it came to his mind, he brought up the topic. So out of annoyance and tiredness, I finally read it.

To be honest, I skipped through the book trying to finish the task fast. You might think I was being stubborn, but I really didn't like the book - the tone was too light, the contents containing no particular message. I couldn't understand my father's enthusiasm toward it, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings just because of a book, so I decided to read it anyway.

When I was finished, he asked me to tell him about the points made in the book that kept my interest. I was worried whether he'll notice that I didn't thoroughly read the book, but I went through it well until my mom started to criticize few points I have made about the book. My dad strangely tensed as he heard her criticisms. Then he rebuked some of her points while she fought back in return. It went on and on until a strange unpleasant undercurrent ran through them.

Was that book so important as to break the peace of my parents? absolutely not. And it wasn't a matter of stupid book, but was about mutual respect.


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