
Thursday 8 April 2010

ECo's Future.

when i was kid, my dream is spaceship's captain. Cuz i want to go everywhere with my ship and fight alien. but In reallity, it is impossible. so, i change my dream. It is ad's preduction. Today, Many ad make, change, remake, and some is gone one of them. Spread and is known people. So, In country, when ad blow up. Good sold out everywhere. and it have conpany's money, Honor and Power. For exemple KT. KT is telebanking company. It is so small first. But Amazing stroy's ad is made bt KT. It is Olleh!! Today, everyone know olleh and use KT. It is unbelievable effet. and professinal production called it marketing effet. So, i feel and sure that i have ability which make ad. i think that i have creativity and imagination. So, If i learn some skill that make ad, some year. i make sure i will do it. It is so hard to reach there. However, i will try myself after going army, i promis myself, In 10 year. I can do IT!!!!!!!!!!!1

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