
Friday 11 June 2010

Monday 7 June 2010

Friday 4 June 2010

Tuesday 1 June 2010

If I can go back to last year (moon)

if i can go back to last year, i more do sleeping
last year i always sleep late so late school so many.
and my feel going bad

it was not bad to 1~2 day with less sleeping, but more, i didn't fine. i sleep in study time and lunch time, dinner time. i lived change morning and night.

teather and mother told me do not sleep at study time. but it is so hard.

my sleeping time is 3~4 hour at night, and sometime i didn't sleep at night. after time i some mad, so talk strange and my health going bad

after 'test of study abllity' i sleep so many so bad change the good, and i think some if i more sleep early, anything more good at that time.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again... (Mark)

If i had last year to live over again, i would spend more time to earn the money. Last year i spent times unusefully. At that time i didn't study English and only exercise at fitness center. So many times i loaf at home and my mother got angry to me and i was ashamed of myself. Finally if i had last year to live over again, i will make an effort to get a part-time job or to study more English and Economics.

Monday 24 May 2010

If i live 2009 over again...

The 2009 was a harsh year to me. There is some good memories but mostly it was hard to bear.
Start of 2009 was great. I helped my singer friend in Mongolia by writing him some lyrics which he succeeded in his career thanks to me :P kk I thought i had it all.. Untill one sunny day. I was in CNU Architechture Engineer. But I can't manage to follow the all class it was too hard for me. And I didn't had any time for part time job. So my money was as its peak. Somehow I was lucky to have friends to help me out in that situation. But my bad luck didn't ended there. It struck me again where its most hurt.. My heart.. I broke up with my girlfriend. I don't wanna talk about the reason. By summer I was broke and lonely. Almost like a hobo who goes to university. In Fall i didn't went to school. I just worked to get some money. And prepared for the exam to re-enroll to CNU. But in different Major. And luckily i got accepted "again". And in December I entered the Foreigners Korean song contest. Guess who won the contest?? kkk
Well in conclusion if i ever have to live 2009 over again I wouldn't enroll in Architechture Engineer which was my worst choise of my life. Only if I had chosen the major I had now everything could be different. I can be more succesful. And not lonely :(
Well life is hard and I have a long way to go. It's just a little obstacle. I'm a man enough to take on the whole life ahead me. Anyway I wish you guys good luck. You're gonna need it ^^
Have a CoolZ DayZ ^^

Mongolian traditional barbeque called "Horhog"

Horhog is a traditional Mongolian meat dish, which is very popular in campi
ng and outdoor activities. It is not a dish for two. It should be made at least for 5 people. Horhog cooking is a lot of fun. It entails the spirit of togetherness and sets the beginnings of friendship. The cooking process is simple at first glance, however, it requires practice and intuition. Meat cut in large chunks is cooked with hot stones in a tightly closed aluminum can until it forms a hearty stew. When the cooking is done, the stones are taken out first and given to all horhog eaters. While still hot and greasy, stones should be rolled between palms or held with fingers. Rolling or holding stones with hands is supposed to be good for health because Mongolians believe that the heat and grease from just cooked meat eliminates fatigue and boosts stamina.

Ingredients (10 servings):
1 half medium sheep
Potatoes (optional)
Carrots (optional)
Yellow turnips (optional)
Bell pepper (optional)
Garlic sprouts (optional)

Pepper (optional)
Onion (optional)
Garlic (optional)
Spices (optional)

Cooking gear:
20-liter aluminum can
20-25 medium-sized smooth stones (10 sm x 10 sm)

Cooking time:
Approximately 2.5 hours

First heat stones on firewood on open fire. It is important to select the right stones, as not all stones are good for cooking horhog. Stones must be river stones that are smoothly shaped and medium sized. Stones must be thoroughly heated until almost red. If heated correctly, stones usually do not retain any smoke and have a clean surface.
While stones are heated, prepare meat for cooking. Cut meat in large pieces with bones. If you are cooking a more western-oriented horhog, prepare also vegetables. Wash and peel potatoes, carrots, turnips and onions. Some people add also garlic sprouts.
Pour 4 liters of water (cold or warm) in a 20-liter aluminum can. The amount of water depends on how much bouillon you would like to have in your horhog.
Put seasonings in water. Then start putting meat layering it with hot stones. If you are cooking together vegetables, put them always on top.
Close can tightly and leave the meat to cook for an hour and a half. The meat is supposed to cook on its own purely by the heat of hot stones. However, it sometimes needs additional heating, which you can provide by putting the can on slow open fire. Extra heating may be required due to several reasons. The meat may not be properly layered with hot stones or the number of stones may not be enough for the amount of meat being cooked.
When the cooking is done, carefully open the can and let the vapors out. First, pull out the stones and pile them aside. Meat and bouillon are usually served separately.

My lil ol gripe.. ^^

Sorry about the VERY LATE posting.. wish i had an excuse.. well here goes my lil gripe..

Well when i was a teenager my gripe was allowance. I had no allowance back then.
I live with my mother. She's always at work and i do the all choirs at home. Cleaning, doing the dishes,cooking,shopping for grocery etc.. But i'm not going to complain about that. I managed a life without allowance. I learned the way of wise shopping. Buying the most cheapest and good stuff, how to close a bargain.. Now it's very useful. When i was a teenager my mom left me some money to shop for grocery. And I manage to "make" something out of that. And well i done a lot of part time job as a clerk and guide tour and salesman and on and on. It was hard back then.
But I thank my mother for not giving me allowance. Just imagine if I had allowance back then i couldn't managed on my own when I grop up...
All and all it was a good experience ^^

Friday 21 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again, (Seny)

If I had last year to live over again, I would live with doing something that I want. Actually, I did everything that I want, but sometimes I had to compromise with the environments. Especially, I lived in Australia last year, and also It was first time to stay in the foreign country, so I had to compromise with the environments as much as I can. For example, I had to earn money and I had to go to school and trip. That's why I had to do something that I really don't want to do.

I think ont only me but also the other pepole also have a this kind of problems. It's very hard to make a balance between something that we want and something that we don't want, but sometimes, to live a satisfied life, we need to compromise with the environments.

That's ironic, :(

but sometimes it's a necessary condition for happiness. :)

Tuesday 18 May 2010

If I had blabla.......- Lee -

If I had last year to live over again, I would spend more time to travel Europe. At the moment it is quite difficult to travel cause it's too far away from here. But last year I had been living in London so I had lots of chance to do that. Even though I had some extra money to do that, but I spend the money to buy clothes in big sale season(in Europe there are two big sale seasons in a year). And also I'd spend a lot of money to go to the pub! Actually I didn't regret cause I could make friend in that place. But I wish I went there less than I did in real. I always desire to go back to there. It was very fresh experiment and funny culture shock XD.

If I can go back to last year...

If I had last year to live over again
I would spend less time listening to music.
Last year I was third grade of high school; third grade of high school is very important time to Korean.
And that time there were really lot of things that I have to study. So I got lot of stress when I study. And I tried to reduce my stress. Listening to music is the only way that I can take. So I always listened to music when I study especially math. Even though I knew that listening to music while studying is not good , I just couldn’t stop doing that. So I kept listening to music.
Now I regret that I spent too much time to listening music. It bothered me not to concentrate study. So I would spend less time listening music If I go back to last year.

Monday 17 May 2010

What would I do if I lived over again?

If I had last year to live over again, I would definitely travel more countries. Actually I would a lot of experience in Europe because I had stayed in England until February 2010. So I have been several countries. But it’s not enough to me. And I want to go more places such as Holland, North Europe and North Africa. However at that time, I didn't have enough money to go such a fabulous scenes, but I'd probably find part time job or make money in the U.K. Then I’d not waste money to go to the pub.
Actually It was not waste cause I met a lot of my foreigner friends in the pub. It just spent. Anyway I probably go back Europe and go to another places. I wish, I hope, I'm eager.... and I miss...

Friday 14 May 2010

If I had last year to live over again

If I had last year to live over again, I would be bold enough to try things that aren't my major but I really like. Last year, I was taking off from school and had a lot of free time even though I had a part time job. At that time, I thought I was too busy and tired to try other things such as travelling or learning music or art. However, I realized that it was a much better time than now; I'm at school and have much less free time than last year. Moreover, I might be getting busier and busier in the future. I'm a little regreful about it. I could've had great experiences. If it could be last year over again, I would try what I could enjoy.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Something I would take more seriously if I had last year to live over again - Hyunsook

My last year was highschool senior year- the deadly third grade.

I was busy studying for Korean SAT so-called SUNEUNG. It was a time when my hopes dashed and a lot of myself was in ruin. Many people might regret about their lack of studies during their highschool years and try to amend it if they only got the chance. In my case - No. I have poured my entire passion, endeavor and almost everything inside myself that can be used for studying.

But I do regret something, and that was my lack of interest in health. When you possess something, you normally take it for granted and don't know its importance. Only then you know as you lost it and painfully realize its value.

My last year was in anguish both mentally and physically. However both parts are connected. When you are extremely stressed up you will get sick eventually. And that happened to me. It was painful to acknowledge the fact that I couldn't study for about a month - that I was extremely sick, and my unsatisfactory grades which never showed any improvement. I was sad and angry, disapointed but moreover felt that life was unfair.Yep like I had never heard that word before huh? I didn't want to admit the reality.Didn't want to face the reality. It destroyed me inside out.

Of course nearly everyone is going to get sick in that condition. But will you call me weak? well you cannot. Will you call me brave? no I was a coward. Yes I'm neither. I'm not proud of how I was but I do not regret anything because I worked very hard. That's why I love the bird phoenix. It rises from mere ashes when it dies and cures any scars.

Well... I said many useless and needless words. All those nasty dark past that I don't even want to think about. In short I regret one thing which is not studying... well probably working too hard was the problem. We should work hard to the extent it won't harm our body and our mind. It is difficult to gauge how much or how deep it has to be. But you will know, yes you will know.

Monday 10 May 2010

A Funny Website

Check this website out. It's someones blog about living in Korea as a foreigner. It's comical. If you go to the second web page you can view the whole blog. Enjoy

Thursday 6 May 2010

A One Act: A little short

Twenty Dollars from Mike H on Vimeo.

Another One: Watch for the Dance

Exercise from Mike H on Vimeo.

A One Act: Watch This

Please watch. This was pretty good. I expect something like this. Don't feel bad to make your group's skit better!!! Enjoy!!

A One Act from Mike H on Vimeo.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Korean traditional dumpling "Mandoo"

"Mandoo" is a korean traditional dumpling. It's very easy to make and can be prepared in large quantities in advance. Usually, in winter, my mother cooked Mandoo a lot and stored in the freezer for next time use. We can share Mandoo with our family but also our neighbors. This custom has something to do with Korean food sharing culture which is called "JUNG(affection)". Mandoo is mainly made with a beef or pork filling, and we can make mandoo with a Kimchi or vegetables. It can be steamed, boiled, pan-fried. We can cook Mandoo in a variety of ways. When I was a high school students, I ate a lot of Mandoo Because of our teacher. In YA-JA time(self study time at night in school), our teacher used to offer Mandoo to students for late-night snack. It was sooooooo yummy!! Actually, Mandoo is my favorite food!!! :)


When it is rainy day outside, most Korean people think Pajeon and Korea traditional drink "Makgeolli". And sometime my mother put in squids at the Pajeon so i really like it. Pajeon's recipe require flour and onion and some seafood. And this materials put in the bowl and mix them.
And then this mixture roasts at the frying pan. So it is really easy to cook Pajeon.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Bibimbap is one of the most common foods in Korea. It is easy to cook but so nutritious. It usually contains eggs and many vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, radishes, bean sprouts or so on. These ingredients are easy to prepare. Except these, any other vegetables available are fine with Bibimbap. Vegetables are set on rice in a bowl. On the top of them, eggs are added. Then, mix them together with hot pepper paste. This is regular Bibimbap. There are other kinds of ones, too. It depends on what is topped on it. Instead of eggs, as in regular one, meat, raw fish or fish eggs can be served. Bibimbap is one of my favorite foods. In spring, it is easy to acquire fresh vegetables. Why don’t you cook Bibimbap on your own this weekend?
I'll cook for my famaily. :)

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Rabokyi(rice cake noodles)

Rice cake is general food in korea. and Rabokyi is rice cake that add noodles. if you go flour based food restaurant, you can eat it.

It is hot and delicious. and you feel the taste differently rice cake, noodles.

Many people like it and i like too.

1.Put 2 cups of water in a pot.

2.Put red peper flour 2 big spoon, pepper souce 2 big spoon, soy sauce 2 big spoon, millet jelly 4 big spoon, sesame oil 1 big spoon.

3.boil them

4.start water boiling, put rice cake and fish paste in pot.

5.stir them while boiling

6.put the noodles. if you want, you can put boiled eggs.

7.After a few minutes finsh!

Hongeo Hoe

Hongeo hoe is principal product of Jeolla-do district. We usually call it Hong Tak .
I’m not from Jeolla-do and I’ve never eaten
Hong Tak but I’ve heard that this food’s smell is very offensive, kind of sourish.
The reason for this smell is that it's important part of making course is keeping skate idle in vinegar. So some people can't eat Hong Tak because of the smell.
But this food is actually very high quality food and in Jeolla-do’s party, this food is very important part of party’s food. And people who love this food usually said It's hard to try just first time.
I really want to try this if I get a chance.

Shredded Pork with Green Peppers

300 grams (0.66 lb) pork tenderloin
100 grams (0.22 lb) green peppers
5 grams (5/6 tsp) salt
1 gram (1/4 tsp) MSG
10 grams (2 tsp) mixture of cornstarch and water
100 grams (7 tbsp) cooking oil
1 egg white
10 grams (2 tsp) cooking wine
25 grams (1 1/2 tbsp) water
1. Cut the meat into shreds 6 cm (2.4 inches) long and 0.3 cm (0.12 inch) thick and wide. Put in a bowl. Add 1 g ( 1/6 tsp) of salt and stir until mixture becomes sticky. Add the egg white and dry cornstarch and mix well. Cut the green peppers into shreds of similar size to the meat.
2. Heat the oil to 110-135ºC (230-275ºF) and stir-fry the pork shreds until they are done. Take out and drain off the oil.
3. Put 25 g (1 2/3 tbsp) of oil in the wok and stir-fry the shredded green peppers for one minute. Add the shredded pork, cooking wine, salt, MSG and water, and bring to boiling point. Put in the mixture of cornstarch and water to thicken the sauce. Take out and serve.
Features: The meat is white with a light pink tinge. While the peppers are invitingly green.
Taste: The shredded pork is tender and the green peppers crispy. The dish is salty to the right taste.

Kimchi pancake!

Kimchi pancake!
Sometimes I cook it and eat with soju. Specially when it's rainning it tastes better than any days XD
Ingredients : sour kimchi, eggs, milk, wheat flour and kimchi juice.
cut kimchi. Mix wheat flour(3 amounts of paper cup) and 2 eggs and milk(1 amount of paper cup) and kimchi juice(half amount of paper cup) and kimchi~! with 150ml.
Put on the hot frying pan. Cook and try to make thin with a middle fire. Overturn and cook the same way. Finish!
Ofcourse you can add some shrimp or squid whatever you want.

Monday 19 April 2010

Popular Snack in Korea - Chicken-Kochi (Skewered Chicken Barbecue)

Chicken-Kochi is one of the most popular snacks in Korea. It's made from some piece of chicken, a few piece of garlic, some pepper and sweet chilli sauce with a wooden shewer. You can find it in the snack bar on the almost every street in Korea. Also it's not expensive. How wonderful, huh?

Sunday 18 April 2010

Popular Korean food - Gimbap

Gimbap is a popular Korean food made from steamed white rice, and various other ingridients rolled in gim. The ingridients include cocumbers, spinach, danmuji, ham and etc. Gimbap is served in bite size slices so you can eat it easily.
Gimbap is eaten during picnics, and for light snacks. It is very delicious. You should definitely try it if you visit Korea.

Friday 16 April 2010

june's gripe about my family.


There's no gripe to my family now..

But when i was young boy

about 13years.. I'm much stressed by my mother.

She always say

"Do you finish the home work?

Why don't you take the vegetable?

Tt's time to bad, finish the game"

At that time.. It's so annoying to me..

but.. now... i think it's all for me..


Wednesday 14 April 2010

my gripe is...

about my brother, he and me have 10years old gap. so sometimes he seems cute. however his doing drive me crazy. I live dormitary, so i go home weekend my father and mother plesure that i come but my brother look at me! just play computer game.

i think he is game addicter. when i do computer, he always come close and say "i play game. stop computer." if i don't stop, he hit me(i want to hit him,,, but can't) or go to mother and say "mom he is much time using computer maybe he using computer 4hour!"(oh my god, i using 30minute)

i love my brother but this make me hate brother.

Monday 12 April 2010

My Dream - Ann

I want to be a art teacher.
To be an art teacher, I draw a painting hard everyday.
Drawing is very important for me.
When I draw a painting, I feel happy.
When I look at painting, I feel calm.
also, teaching student is pleasant.
I want to be an art teacher after I graduate quickly.

Friday 9 April 2010

My family gripe is

My family gripe is about my little sister.
She and I stay away from our parents' house
since it is kind of hard to commute from there to school.
My dad asked me to take care of her.
So, I'm sort of responsible for her.
It's not burdensome since we get along together.
She is nice and listens to me.

But sometimes I feel like she is less considerate on me.
We have to handle our chores on our own like laundry, cleaning or meals.
But sometimes she forgets about them.
Then, most of them pass over to me.
I'm leading the busiest days than I've ever lived.
These trivial but essential works make me feel a little stressed.
Except for it, I love her so much.
She is a little spoiled, but that’s what makes her pretty.

Thursday 8 April 2010

ECo's Future.

when i was kid, my dream is spaceship's captain. Cuz i want to go everywhere with my ship and fight alien. but In reallity, it is impossible. so, i change my dream. It is ad's preduction. Today, Many ad make, change, remake, and some is gone one of them. Spread and is known people. So, In country, when ad blow up. Good sold out everywhere. and it have conpany's money, Honor and Power. For exemple KT. KT is telebanking company. It is so small first. But Amazing stroy's ad is made bt KT. It is Olleh!! Today, everyone know olleh and use KT. It is unbelievable effet. and professinal production called it marketing effet. So, i feel and sure that i have ability which make ad. i think that i have creativity and imagination. So, If i learn some skill that make ad, some year. i make sure i will do it. It is so hard to reach there. However, i will try myself after going army, i promis myself, In 10 year. I can do IT!!!!!!!!!!!1

Raymond's gripe about my parents

Actually I don't have serious gripes with my family. Yeah I know, gripe is not included serious thing. If I had to find a gripe, I would say a little gripe.
As far as I remember that story is about lunch box when I was in the lower grades in elementary school.
Usually Korean pupils like fast food, frozen food and instant food such as ham. Also I was normal pupil, so I wanted to eat as well. However my mom let me eat organic vegetables. Also I was good for health especially growing period. But at that time, I didn’t care about that boring fact. I just had gripe about my lunch box. So, rarely my mom allowed me to eat that sort of junk food, when I had her make me that.
Nowadays, I thank to my mother. Sometimes I saw some people didn’t eat traditional vegetable dishes even if adults.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Mark's gripe

I have gripe to my parents.

When i was high school student, my parents said if i get a drive license, they will give to me their car. I really like to drive car and motorbike, so i was excited. After i took a Korea S.A.T, i get a drive license. It was really hard and tiresome........... T.T But i was happy because i can drive any car. But my parents said under the 26 years old, car insurance very expensive, so when i will be 26 years old, they will give a car to me. I was very angry so i drive my mother's car secretly sometime.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Listen to this Kid!

Gripes - Hyunsook

"Have you read that book I've recommended?"

"I will... sooner or later dad." I said defiantly, irritated by his demanding tone. Truthfully, it was nearly a month since I've put off reading that book, but my dad was evermore persistent. Whenever it came to his mind, he brought up the topic. So out of annoyance and tiredness, I finally read it.

To be honest, I skipped through the book trying to finish the task fast. You might think I was being stubborn, but I really didn't like the book - the tone was too light, the contents containing no particular message. I couldn't understand my father's enthusiasm toward it, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings just because of a book, so I decided to read it anyway.

When I was finished, he asked me to tell him about the points made in the book that kept my interest. I was worried whether he'll notice that I didn't thoroughly read the book, but I went through it well until my mom started to criticize few points I have made about the book. My dad strangely tensed as he heard her criticisms. Then he rebuked some of her points while she fought back in return. It went on and on until a strange unpleasant undercurrent ran through them.

Was that book so important as to break the peace of my parents? absolutely not. And it wasn't a matter of stupid book, but was about mutual respect.


Sarah's gripe

Actually I have gripes to my father

My father is very considerate. But some part of considerate makes me annoy. He always worries about me so he keeps talking his worry. But most of them are things that I heard many times before.
And he doesn’t like me to listening music when I’m studying. I know that’s not good but sometimes, especially when I get stressed, it’s very helpful.
That’s my all gripe to my father. And now I can understand him why he did like that.

Lee's griping :(

honestly, I had a griping just like the other guys when I was in high school. I though my parents meddled in everything. That's my only griping. My parents are so busy, cause they are government servant. Fortunatley I love to be alone so it's a good thing to me. So it couldn't be a gripping. Maybe I'm in bright side or just not enough diligent to gripe XD

Lee's secret dream :)

OMG! It slipped my mind! sorry!
Ok, let go.
I always desire to be a great wriiter like Goethe.
I hope the things that I say can help the other people's mental health.
But it's quite, no it's very difficult to be that.
Most people say "Genius is made of 99%'s effort, and 1% gift"
but it's not suitable to be a great writter.
Gift is very important, unfortunately.
But i'm no quitter. Eventhough it's a just secret dream, I will do my best in my life.

A school girl Seny's gripe :(

When I was a middle school student, my father never lets me have the highlighter. I wore glasses since I was a nine years olds, and the highlighter is made of very bright colours. May be my father thought it is not good for my eyes. Now I understand my father, but it was very weird for me at that time. -14years old, Seny

Seny's secret(really?) dream... :)

Actually, I can't think about my secret dream. It is very difficult question to me but, I have a one thing. When I travled South Australia, I stayed at small city just for one night. There was any backpackers, so I stayed at small lodge which is located in the farm.
At night time, after taking a shower, I saw the sky. There were sooooooooooooooooo many stars in the sky, and also I could see the milky way. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing for me, so I thought I will come back here with my husband and child in the future. It is my secret dream, but now it's not secret dream any more, because I already wrote down in this blog, T.T but It doesn't matter. The stars in the sky are still twinkling in my mind... :)

Thursday 1 April 2010

five things about ken

my name is ken^^
i will tell you my favorite things.

1. i like soccer. i like playing and watching both. i like manchester united. because there is korean player ji sung park. he made a goal last league game against riverpool. anyway i like soccer very much so when i was highschool my team participate strret festival.

2. i like my friends especially high school friends. now we are all university students so we don't have much time to meet each other. but we meet once a month. we are very friendly and i want our friendship forever^^

3. i like coffee. cafe mocha is my favorite coffee. i always drink coffee after lunch. it makes me comfortable. yesterday ann bought coffee for me thankyou^^
4. i like samgupsal. it's my favorite food. when i was highschool. i ate samgupsal once a week with my friends. it's very delicious.

5. i like walking. it makes me refresh. whenever i walk i think my future and my life. so it bring me new mind. but since i enter the university i don't have a time to walk because i have a lot of homework.^^

Tuesday 30 March 2010

CoolZ's Dream ^^

Well I have lots of dreams. But 2 of them are the biggest and allmost impossible to reach though.
First one is I like to perform on a very big stage. Seeing my fav singers and rappers on a stage and yelling clapping at them is what we usually do right??? But I wanna be the one who's standing on the stage and getting cheered.
I just wanna ask you something.
Do you wanna be the "Main Man" on the stage? or just 1 of the millions of audiences?
It's your choice. Choose wisely ^^

Second one is to be an actor. My fav actor is Jim Carrey and Will Smith. They are very talented actors. They can make you laugh, cry, envy them and even they can make you hate them.
One day I wanna play in a movie with them. Even if they were old they can surely do their stuff.