
Tuesday 30 March 2010

CoolZ's Dream ^^

Well I have lots of dreams. But 2 of them are the biggest and allmost impossible to reach though.
First one is I like to perform on a very big stage. Seeing my fav singers and rappers on a stage and yelling clapping at them is what we usually do right??? But I wanna be the one who's standing on the stage and getting cheered.
I just wanna ask you something.
Do you wanna be the "Main Man" on the stage? or just 1 of the millions of audiences?
It's your choice. Choose wisely ^^

Second one is to be an actor. My fav actor is Jim Carrey and Will Smith. They are very talented actors. They can make you laugh, cry, envy them and even they can make you hate them.
One day I wanna play in a movie with them. Even if they were old they can surely do their stuff.

Darcy's secret dream?

I have a lot of dreams: traveling around the world, writing books and tv shows, playing jazz music, learning paintings, studying physics and establishing a school. Sometimes I feel like I have so many dreams that I couldn't accomplish all of them . However, among them, the one thing I really don't want to miss is to found a school. I don't know why. Since I was young, I've thought that I should do it some day. I guess I have about 20 years left to start it really. It is not that much time. I think I have to be on the steps.
I hope the school will help students understand themselves so that they can find their own dreams and make them come true. This is what really makes me happy.

moon's dream

i want to go universe. it sound some like kids, but i realy want to go universe.
look video that i linked. i think it is very interesting. it is very very big that we can't imagine. and i link other video. look down
wow, i like this video. when i see this video. i wonder about universe. that overwhlem my thinking.
are you think anything that see a vy canis majoris? i just think big. so simple. becouse universe overwhlem me.

so i want to go universe. and i exprience space althogh it is a little. i want to see,feel,exprience zero gravity directly.

how about you? are you make interesting about universe to see video?

Monday 29 March 2010

My dream X )

Hello everyone ~ how was last weekend? It was so busy that I didn't enjoy taking a rest.

Anyway I am writing to desire travel in this winter.

Basically I love to go aboard. When I stayed overseas countries, I could understand that countries easier and made local friends.

I want to go Thailand with my girlfriend. A couple of month before, my British friend recommended. He told me Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries. Also, people are so friendly. The best advantage is good prices. At this time we are just students, so we do not have enough money. It is one of the most important things in life and travel. That is why we chose Thailand. Moreover we can enjoy lovely weather in winter and Thai massage. X)

The other hands, I am keen on historical countries. Thailand is a motherland of Buddhism. So Thailand makes me more interested in travel. So I desire to go lovely Thailand!!

Even if I will not get a chance to go there, I am going to Thailand whenever!!

Sunday 28 March 2010



Let me introduce my five thing :)

1. Nobody is more like the game than me..

From the time when i bought the computer ..7 years ago..

I have became assimilated with fantastic game

The picture on the text is the game that i love

To tell the truth.. i was even up night doing computergame.... :)

i'm sure that computer game will be my best friend forever

2. I like bicycle too~

the picture next to number 2 is taken a week ago.

taking bicycle gives me good self examination.

by enduring the pain, restraining the desire to resting.
(because the cycle has to lasted for 1 hours at least)

or by running the countryside.. i can breathe with fresh air..

3.I like to appreciate the antiquite castle...or structre

looking at the runic castle makes me wonder.

noinshubanshutain's castle show amazing architecture of germany

it's one of my most favorite castle in the world..
now.. my dream is to be a master builder
4. I like to read fantasy novel..
Last year.. i read almost 300 fantasy novel..
The reason why i enjoy that was it gives free rein to my imagination..
When i was tired of my tedious life
It gives me offbeat feeling..
For those who tired of an insipid daily life..
I feel in my bones that it could be restorative drink..

5. I like junk food.. :( (hamburger, pizza, chicken)
i love the junk food.. It's so sad true..
I know that it have no nutrition value .
But... it taste great...
I always strive to eat only nourishment food..
but... whenever i see the hamburger..
that endaevor fade away...
anyway... now.... my goal is only taking the junk food once a week...

june's secret dream

My secret dream is to trip around all over the world..

Though it demands much money to me..

I think it could give me amazing lesson

something like understanding the other culture..or sharing each other's feeling..

Watching the world through TV is me..

Even if it force me to buy much more money..

I don't give it up and wait it until i own enough money to go...

Saturday 27 March 2010

Mark's secret dream

My secret dream is to play acoustic guitar. I don't watch the movie; Once, but i heard 'Once' O.S.T "Falling slowly". When i heard this O.S.T, i was deeply impressed with this music. And i watched that some Korean singers played "Falling slowly" with acoustic guitar and piano and they sang this music. When i listened to this music, this touched my heart. So my secret dream is play acoustic guitar and sing "Falling slowly"

Sarah's secret dream

My secret dream is play performance, any kind of performance, like play instrument or play drama. I think this is really cool.
Make something and practice with people is actually very hard but I think it’s rewarding. Plus, doing some practice make harmony between people.
And it’s really thrilling that show our work to many people. Even though play performance thing could not make some money or famous to me, it will make really big recollection to me which the only thing I expect.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Secret dreams - Hyunsook

There is a story,an imaginary tale that wasw kept in my head for many years. I wanted to write it down and thus make a great novel. However, it wasn't as easy as I thought. A lot of the times, I felt something big was missing, or worse, the writing turned out to be entirely different from what I had intended. Maybe I was too eager to make it perfect, always revising and stuffs.
However I'm keep working it out.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Five thing about moon

1.I had not had a hair cut. Becouse i want to band my hair. Bometimes my long hair was a bother me. But was patient.I think man's banded hair is very cool.

2.Bur now i cut my hair. it is impulsive bohavior. when last friday i went my major party. so i drunk alot and my feel higher. after party i send messege girl who i like "can you come front domitary?"(she live domitary too) she send "yes"
and she come i confess love. i say "i love you. and can you date me?" she answer "no" T.T so i
cut my hair impulsively day i very sick. it is sick of love? :D joke joke, my fever up 38.5C so during 2day my all behavior is sleeping.

4.i like take picture. so i join picture club name AF and learn how can take good picture. i also want to buy camera. so i reaserch camera and i furstrate about price.
5.i like console game too. like xbox360 playstation2,3 etc... i have xbox 360 playstation2 but not 3 so i will buy ps3 and...
ps3 price+camera price=ultra frustration. :D

How do you eat your watermelon?

I hope you enjoy this. It's a really funny piece and something that I think you will all enjoy.

Notice his grammar skills during this video. Also, notice his lack of sentence structure, but also notice how understandable he is. He had his own TV show and was able to entertain thousands of people even though he didn't speak perfectly. My only tip to you is to say what you want to say and don't worry about saying it perfectly! Just say it and THINK TWICE!!

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Five Things You Don't Know About Darcy

1. Do you know what I'm studying at college now? English literature.
However, it is not that I studied English literature, too when I entered college. Yeah, I transfered to my current major. The reason I switched my major is my favorite author: C.S Lewis. He is the author of "The Crononicle of the Narnia" and an English literature professor at Oxford.
When I was in the first year of college, I tried to read philosophical or theological books. Eventually, I found C.S Lewis' books. I was really amazed with his sophisticated works. They were so fabricated with his ideas. So, I decied to study English literature since I wanted to be like him; I'm happy now.

2. One of the jobs I want to have in the future is education-related one. I like to explain something logically so that other people can understand difficult knowledge. I started to tutor young students a couple of years ago. I feel glad when my students grasp the contents. I've volunteered as a sunday school teacher at church as well. I like to help other people understand something hard to understand.

3. Which one do you prefer, watching play or participating?
Although I like to watch other people doing, I like take part in performances better.
Every year, my church holds special events like Christmas. Then, students prepare for them.
I usually sing in chrus with other people; however, last year I supervised sunday school kids' play. I selected music and intructed how to act to children. All the people really liked it.
I appreciate to have those chances even though I'm not a student in that field.

4. Do you like art? I really love art: music, painting and photogragh.
When I was young, I drew paintings as extra curricular and played the piano. These days I've got interested in photograph; so, I'm planning to buy a good camera. I thought I would become an artist;however, actually I'm studying literature. It is not exactly what I wanted to do but, literature is closely related with art. I'm stisfied with that.

5. I'm more sensitive to dust than others. Probably I'm allergic to dust.
When I stay indoors, I sneeze tons of times. But, this is a better thing. I was worse before.
I used to be allergic to something, too. Can you guess what it is? SWEAT. Terrible!
I used to itchy whenever I sweated usually in summer. On the top of that, I couldn't stand itchy! So, I scratched all over my body and was always covered with scratches every summer.
My mom really didn't like it.

Five Things You Don't Know About Ann

1. My favorite thing is my family.
They are always my side.
So they cheer me up everyday.
I love them.

2. my major is Korea painting.
When I draw a picture, I Feel happy.
So I choose painting as a major.
When I draw it, I Feel passionate in my heart.

3. I like Chopped roast chicken.
My mother cook for her self what is delcious.
Whenever I go hometown, I ask my mother to cook food.

4. I like coffee.
Because It has good smell and taste.
Drinking coffee makes me relax.

5. I often go singing room with my friends.
Because I like sing a song with my friends when I go to there, I'm so excited.

five things about Jeong.

my favourite thing is a puppy. because it is cute and it is faithful to its owner
i can go to walk with it
they protect our home from strangers when none is there .
when i am bored i can play with them . they never betray their owner.
everyday when i am back from school ,the puppy welcomd me .
and i like the puppy because it listen to me

my favorite is my families.
They help me when in sorrow and in joy.

My favorite thing to do is to listen to music.
My favorite genre is hip hop.
I always listen to music on my way to school and from school to home.
When I listen to music, my ears are enjoying, and I think the time passes quickly as well.
also I am not afraid that I go a dark street .
My favorite Korean singer is supreme team, swings, dynamic duo, verbal jint.

My favorite thing is watching a movie.
Here is three(some) reasons why I love movies.
First, movie make people's emotion change for many reasons.
Through the movie, we can laugh, cry, or be scared.
When I feel not so good, I usually watch a movie.
Then, I have made a lot of mories throgh them.
If someone watch the same movie, they can share the same momeries.Also, I can feel something, as an actor in a movie feels the same things like me.
A movie show us the world in the wide range of the scope.

my favorite thing is cook.
I feel happy, though I am not that good cook, when my family love what I cook.
Also, I like eating as well as cooking.

5 special things which you don't know ABOUT LEE.

Hellow guys, how are you today?

It wasn't cold today, innit?

Actually, I tried to upload as soon as possible

but it's a bit difficult. and I had an accident!

When I almost finished that suddenly the

internet was disconneted!

Ok, let go.

1. I have a special day. When I feel very sensitive I spend the whole day with the Alchemist

which is very famous book. Everytime I read the Alchemist I cry.

And sometimes I go to the top of the apartment and just lie in the rain! It's very worthy for

my daydreaming.

Without any connection! I swich cellphone off and turn computer off.

2. I love writting about common things like
feeling, love, friendship, books, movies and so on.

I have a special friend. Everytime we meet we
exchange our writting and criticize or give some

3. I saw some unique animal like mountain goat. also I saw
a North Korea Army.
And also! I saw a heavy heavy heavy heavy snow.
It's was a hell cause I have to clean it to survibe.

4. I was addictied to do a skipping.
Do a skipping means not for the class LOL.
It's a kind of exercise.
At that time I did it 10,000 every day.
I think I had done that for 6 month.
Final 5.
I really hate boile carrot.
So, everytime I eat a curry or ramen something like that,
I was uncomfortable cause I have to pick it out.
It looks so horribe, innit?
Uh....everytime I imagine a boiled carrot I feel sick.
I've done! yeah actually using this blog is a bit difficult. Why don't we use the cyworld!?
It's time for watching video which michale put up.
Have a nice night, and seeya.

Monday 22 March 2010

5 Things That you don't know about Nara... a.k.a CoolZ

Hello everybody. Let's just spend a few moments knowing something that you don't know about me ^^

1. My nickname is CoolZ Charmer. But you can call me CoolZ ^^
First Name; CoolZ
Middle Name; "The Don"
Last Name; Charmer
This nickname was given to me 4 years ago. My offline and online friends made a poll on Mongolian Site and also on Hi5. And my nickname has voted between my friends.
(more than 3000 votes online)
CoolZ means Cool till the end. Charmer means I can charm other people. (like make them laugh and make them happy etc). And
"The Don" means i keep my words (promises) and i have a good leadership.Actually the origin of the word "The Don" is a mafia leader. You can know more about this in a movie called "The Godfather" one of my fav movie ^^

2. I am a writer.
I write poems and song lyrics. And sell them to make some cash. Back in Mongolia there are few singers used my lyrics. And it was a hit too. And now i'm practicing on writing some poems and lyrics in English and Korean. When i get skilled enough i think i can make my own album ^^

3.I hunted a wolf.
5years ago back in Mongolia i went on a hunting with my sister's husband and his friends.
It was a freezing winter. Luckily I hunted down 1 wolf. And i took his tooth for evidence and for a good luck. Now I wear that tooth as a necklace. It's my lucky charm ^^

4.Belive it or not I was a photo (fitting) model.
Well yes it's hard to belive cuz i'm all that ugly and all. But back in the days i had my moments.
As a teenager i went on a modeling school and enrolled in a modeling agency. Learned some stuff about photo pose and etc.. And I have to quit the agency because I got a scholarship to Korea.

5.I am not a Don Juan.
Some people think I'm a Don Juan, A Player. But I'm not. The things that I wear and how do I look doesn't tell who I really am. There's and old saying that is said ;
"Don't judge the book by it's cover" And it's my fav one. So please don't judge me the way I look.
If u get to know me better you'll surely know that I'm a sensetive, loving, caring, lonely guy who is trying to find his own way in this world. So don't hurry to judge people.
Well it's all I have to say today. See you all in class. Untill then Have a CoolZ DayZ ^^

Saturday 20 March 2010

Five Things You Don't Know About Me-Mark

I'm Mark. It's rainy now.......
so I really tired T.T. I hate rain......
This is five things you don't know about me.

1) I was born in Ulsan. But when i was 3 years, my family moved to Pohang. And i grew up in Pohang. About 11 years, we moved to Ulsan again.

2) I really like to meet any people. So i like to drink soju, beer.......... But i eat some protein, so i control my appetite for drink alcohol.

3) I like to play and watch basketball. In winter, sometime i used to watch basketball game in Ulsan. My favorite basketball team is Ulsan mobis phoebus. This year, Mobis is champion!!!!!!!!!

4) My favorite singer is Jae Beom. I envy his performance and his muscle body. So I exercise at the gym because i will be his body. But nowaday i'm so lazy and busy, sometime i don't go exercise...................... T.T


5) I don' like to play computer game like RPG..... Because computer game makes people stupid. So i don't play any computer game. But, sometime i play a game with my playstation, i play winning eleven. When i play winning eleven, i might be a soccer player.....

Friday 19 March 2010

A Quick Three Minute Film

Watch and think this over. Over 800 billion dollars is now gone. My country is in ruins and Iraq isn't much better- minus Saddam Hussein. Too bad other countries didn't save America from Bush and all of our other horrible leaders in the past.Also, notice how George W. Bush told everyone at the beginning that the war wouldn't last long! Little did he know, that it would go on for over seven years.

Thursday 18 March 2010

The man who planted trees

Please watch this! I think you may enjoy it!

Eco's intervation

1. he has so sore love. he say that there is love without border.
the lover is japaness. they met a little. but they love each other so much.

2. he has humor's sence. but he somethimes show us humor sence.
however, when he shows humor, Everyone laugh so much.

3.once upon a time, he had car accident. the event is famous. cuz
it is so big trouble. but luckliy, he live in accident. liver is only 6
deader is 30.

4.he is so romantic guy. when he has emotion some woman, he go to the piano
and play. if he go to her, and only talk, he will fail. but he just play, every woman
feel charming him.

5. he has baseball ability. past. when he 8 years old, he choose school's baseball team.
but after car accident, he quit team, and he play game not win but enjoy baseball.

Five things people don't know about me -Hyunsook

1. I'm interested at many fields of the arts - music, literature, art etc.

2. I like collecting music(regardless of the genre), writing novels, and playing the piano. I started playing it since five. At past, I once dreamed to become a pianist but my parents opposed it when I started studying.

3. I love thinking. In a way, I'm a daydreamer.

4..That doesn't mean I'm an impractical, idealistic person. I plan a lot to brace myself up for a task.

5. I work hard. And I'm quite competitive. There is some part of myself wanting to be showy and ostentatious, but experience told me that I shouldn't, that I'm going to build a lot of enemies around me -which is not very exciting.
Why do people want to be succesful? Because they want to be better off than other people around them? Indeed, I'll say they were honest but dilusioned just like I had been.

They were only great in certain aspects that were noticable, which can be shown to the world, and can be percepted by the naked eye. Books tell you to be modest, but they didn't tell you about the reason why you should be. Maybe it's because the trait of bragging is so intrinsic that mere reasoning cannot persuade us to change. However, I understood modesty by experience. It may look ridiculous a nineteen year old talking about some experience. It looks funny for me as well. Hm... then why do I still bother to be successful? Here I go again.

five things you dont know about Ryu!

hi ^----------------------^;;

I'm Ryu kk

1. I was born in ChungBuk province and lived there until 6 years old, so I can remember the rural landscape

a lot of people who has lived in city since young, dont know feeling that sympathy with natural

its was nice in my memory!

2. Ive been in NewZealand about for a year

I enter a language school but hardly ever go;;

just i enjoyed my life there with foreigner friends and took trip a lot

3.I'm crazy in snowboarding and car driving
snowboarding is my most favorite sport as I enjoy the thrills of speed and cool air on the snow.
moreover feel that buatiful scenery of the Resort give me is nice

when its nice weather, i usually drive my car around suburb of Daejeon

4. I drink 3 cups of coffee a day

I like smoke&coffee with think something

whenever I meet friends, I take them to coffee shop first;

I have a place, I'm partial to

5. feel melancholy sometimes............................becuase of U!!

5 Things about Seny~

Hello, guys~

How are you? It's so cold today. I hate cold weather, but I saw snow last night. It was beautiful! :)

Actually, it is first time to enjoy snowing in this winter. Because of I stayed in Australia last year. I had lots of fun there.

I'm a senior in this semester, and it's my last semester. My major is Psychology. I transferred my major from the Communication to the Psychology.

I like cooking, and I'm very good at making Japanese sushi! I used to work as a sushi maker at Japanese cuisine. My sushi is so yummy! I'm sure! :)

I hope spring comes to us soon. When spring comes to us, I want to go to JIN-HAE where is famous for Sa-Ku-Ra flowers.

Have a good evening and see you tmw~:)

Five Things You Don’t Know About Me…

1) I love playing racing games. Although I am not as maniac as the man on the picture, I love it.

2) I can make a walnut pie. I am not a good cook, but I think my pie taste good. I have learned it from my mom. She is a great cook.

3) I like to watch American TV dramas. My favorite show is 'Scrubs'. It is a medical drama. I have been watching it since 2006. Actually it is not that popular in America, so there was a rumor it might be canceled. But luckily after changing a TV station NBC to ABC, the show survived. I am so happy.

4) When I was young, I ate a spoon of salt. I don't know why I did that. It's strange.

5) I have never had a girl friend in my entire life.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Five Things You Don’t Know About Me…

1) I’m a Valentine’s Day baby. That’s right; my birthday is on Valentine’s Day.
2) I hate staying inside during the weekends. If I don’t go somewhere or do something I feel like I’m being lazy.
3) I used to own a really cool Jeep truck called the Eliminator. The name speaks for itself. Let’s just say people used to always joke around about it.
4) I love riding my bike. I ride it everywhere I go. Back in the United States, I would often wake up some Saturdays and ride a hundred miles (160Km) just for fun. My longest bike ride in one day was 125 miles (201km). I also like bike touring!
5) I actually like Leo Tolstoy’s book Anna Karenina. Even though it’s a zillion pages long, I couldn’t put it down. The characters just came to life and felt real.

Hi~ I'm Sarah

Hi~ I'm Sarah
There is five things that you don't and you can't know about me.

First, I was born in Busan . When I was 5 years old,I moved here to Daejoen. Even though I can't remember the exact hometown I really like Busan.

Second is that I'm very humorous girl. Some people think that I'm boring or serious person. But I'm not!!!

Third, I am allergic to alcohol. It's not that serious but when I drink some soju my skin turn out to red and sometimes it becomes itchy.

Fourth is that I'm a big fan of the singer Rain. Now he is a world star. But I have liked him since he was rooky.

The last thing is that I like Sundae. Some people think it's dirty and even some people can't eat Sundae.But that's really ridiculous stereotype. It's very delicious. I wish the people who haven't eaten Sundae to try it.

Hi guys~ I'm Raymond.
I am going to write some interesting facts about me.
Firstly, You can see my lovely private pajamas. It is one of the best dress in my clothes chest.
And then I stayed in UK approximately 6 months.
Also, I am quite good cook and I love 'Samgyubsal'.
Lastly, I would like to learn Spanish.
That is my five things maybe you didn't know about me. If you want to know more things, you will ask me then I probably tell you. X)

Thursday 11 March 2010