
Thursday 18 March 2010

The man who planted trees

Please watch this! I think you may enjoy it!


  1. assa~ 1 bba~ it's too long~ wow T.T

  2. I like a accent of this narration and a sequences of this animation. It makes me comfortable like a memories of my grandfather. Before see this animation, I looked at some informations of this movie, and I knew that a Frederic Back who is a director of this movie was lost his one eye because of drawing for this movie. More than all, I think we need to think about a protagonist shepherd, and also we have to think about his spirit. One person's thinking can make a wonderful world. This animation is a valuable movie as much as a old shepherd's spirit.

  3. assa~~ 3 bba ~.^^ Seny- very insightful comment. Ryu- besides being too long, what else did you think about it?

  4. It was really moved. And I could learn the big thing that the sincerity mind of man could change the world.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh, What The....I wrote some comment about this movie. And I cliked the Post Comment.
    And then It was just blew. OMG!

    I'm so depressived and uncomfortable and exausted cause I was in a troble about putting up my 5 things and also this one.

    I'm gonna bed early to recharge my battery.

  7. Actually until the middle of the movie I was waiting passionately for something to happen...but then when he started planting the acorns is when it struck me out: you better start and do something small yourself rather than wait for something big to happen to enjoy it. The end of the movie and the idea of a man being so powerful to change the fate and bring happiness to so many people is amazing. I shared the movie on my facebook profile so more people can watch it. It's a good story with a moral. Rarely we see movies carrying such a powerful message in so calm way nowadays.
