
Tuesday 23 March 2010

Five Things You Don't Know About Darcy

1. Do you know what I'm studying at college now? English literature.
However, it is not that I studied English literature, too when I entered college. Yeah, I transfered to my current major. The reason I switched my major is my favorite author: C.S Lewis. He is the author of "The Crononicle of the Narnia" and an English literature professor at Oxford.
When I was in the first year of college, I tried to read philosophical or theological books. Eventually, I found C.S Lewis' books. I was really amazed with his sophisticated works. They were so fabricated with his ideas. So, I decied to study English literature since I wanted to be like him; I'm happy now.

2. One of the jobs I want to have in the future is education-related one. I like to explain something logically so that other people can understand difficult knowledge. I started to tutor young students a couple of years ago. I feel glad when my students grasp the contents. I've volunteered as a sunday school teacher at church as well. I like to help other people understand something hard to understand.

3. Which one do you prefer, watching play or participating?
Although I like to watch other people doing, I like take part in performances better.
Every year, my church holds special events like Christmas. Then, students prepare for them.
I usually sing in chrus with other people; however, last year I supervised sunday school kids' play. I selected music and intructed how to act to children. All the people really liked it.
I appreciate to have those chances even though I'm not a student in that field.

4. Do you like art? I really love art: music, painting and photogragh.
When I was young, I drew paintings as extra curricular and played the piano. These days I've got interested in photograph; so, I'm planning to buy a good camera. I thought I would become an artist;however, actually I'm studying literature. It is not exactly what I wanted to do but, literature is closely related with art. I'm stisfied with that.

5. I'm more sensitive to dust than others. Probably I'm allergic to dust.
When I stay indoors, I sneeze tons of times. But, this is a better thing. I was worse before.
I used to be allergic to something, too. Can you guess what it is? SWEAT. Terrible!
I used to itchy whenever I sweated usually in summer. On the top of that, I couldn't stand itchy! So, I scratched all over my body and was always covered with scratches every summer.
My mom really didn't like it.

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