
Wednesday 24 March 2010

Five thing about moon

1.I had not had a hair cut. Becouse i want to band my hair. Bometimes my long hair was a bother me. But was patient.I think man's banded hair is very cool.

2.Bur now i cut my hair. it is impulsive bohavior. when last friday i went my major party. so i drunk alot and my feel higher. after party i send messege girl who i like "can you come front domitary?"(she live domitary too) she send "yes"
and she come i confess love. i say "i love you. and can you date me?" she answer "no" T.T so i
cut my hair impulsively day i very sick. it is sick of love? :D joke joke, my fever up 38.5C so during 2day my all behavior is sleeping.

4.i like take picture. so i join picture club name AF and learn how can take good picture. i also want to buy camera. so i reaserch camera and i furstrate about price.
5.i like console game too. like xbox360 playstation2,3 etc... i have xbox 360 playstation2 but not 3 so i will buy ps3 and...
ps3 price+camera price=ultra frustration. :D


  1. Hey Moon, That's why you had hair cut..T.T
    It's so sad.. You know, There are so many girls in the world. Cheer up..!!

  2. kkkkkkkkkkk


    im sorry to laugh, but dont be disappointed :)

    try it again , but u should appeal ur fascination slowly
    easy does it


    cheer up!

  3. You are looking like a new man these days!!

    Cheer up! There are many fish in the sea!

  4. Right don't be too disappointed!!
    You're cool enought to have a girlfriend!

  5. thank you everybody. i realy cheer up :D
