
Monday 22 March 2010

5 Things That you don't know about Nara... a.k.a CoolZ

Hello everybody. Let's just spend a few moments knowing something that you don't know about me ^^

1. My nickname is CoolZ Charmer. But you can call me CoolZ ^^
First Name; CoolZ
Middle Name; "The Don"
Last Name; Charmer
This nickname was given to me 4 years ago. My offline and online friends made a poll on Mongolian Site and also on Hi5. And my nickname has voted between my friends.
(more than 3000 votes online)
CoolZ means Cool till the end. Charmer means I can charm other people. (like make them laugh and make them happy etc). And
"The Don" means i keep my words (promises) and i have a good leadership.Actually the origin of the word "The Don" is a mafia leader. You can know more about this in a movie called "The Godfather" one of my fav movie ^^

2. I am a writer.
I write poems and song lyrics. And sell them to make some cash. Back in Mongolia there are few singers used my lyrics. And it was a hit too. And now i'm practicing on writing some poems and lyrics in English and Korean. When i get skilled enough i think i can make my own album ^^

3.I hunted a wolf.
5years ago back in Mongolia i went on a hunting with my sister's husband and his friends.
It was a freezing winter. Luckily I hunted down 1 wolf. And i took his tooth for evidence and for a good luck. Now I wear that tooth as a necklace. It's my lucky charm ^^

4.Belive it or not I was a photo (fitting) model.
Well yes it's hard to belive cuz i'm all that ugly and all. But back in the days i had my moments.
As a teenager i went on a modeling school and enrolled in a modeling agency. Learned some stuff about photo pose and etc.. And I have to quit the agency because I got a scholarship to Korea.

5.I am not a Don Juan.
Some people think I'm a Don Juan, A Player. But I'm not. The things that I wear and how do I look doesn't tell who I really am. There's and old saying that is said ;
"Don't judge the book by it's cover" And it's my fav one. So please don't judge me the way I look.
If u get to know me better you'll surely know that I'm a sensetive, loving, caring, lonely guy who is trying to find his own way in this world. So don't hurry to judge people.
Well it's all I have to say today. See you all in class. Untill then Have a CoolZ DayZ ^^


  1. Model,songwriter,charmer :) I think we have a star in disguise. Do you happen to have a fanclub in Mongolia? :P

  2. LOL... Nobody will belive me if i tell you guys i'm a star back in my country ^^
    And i think i don't have any fanclub. And besides Mongolian stars don't have a public fanclub that i know of.
