
Tuesday 23 March 2010

five things about Jeong.

my favourite thing is a puppy. because it is cute and it is faithful to its owner
i can go to walk with it
they protect our home from strangers when none is there .
when i am bored i can play with them . they never betray their owner.
everyday when i am back from school ,the puppy welcomd me .
and i like the puppy because it listen to me

my favorite is my families.
They help me when in sorrow and in joy.

My favorite thing to do is to listen to music.
My favorite genre is hip hop.
I always listen to music on my way to school and from school to home.
When I listen to music, my ears are enjoying, and I think the time passes quickly as well.
also I am not afraid that I go a dark street .
My favorite Korean singer is supreme team, swings, dynamic duo, verbal jint.

My favorite thing is watching a movie.
Here is three(some) reasons why I love movies.
First, movie make people's emotion change for many reasons.
Through the movie, we can laugh, cry, or be scared.
When I feel not so good, I usually watch a movie.
Then, I have made a lot of mories throgh them.
If someone watch the same movie, they can share the same momeries.Also, I can feel something, as an actor in a movie feels the same things like me.
A movie show us the world in the wide range of the scope.

my favorite thing is cook.
I feel happy, though I am not that good cook, when my family love what I cook.
Also, I like eating as well as cooking.

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